Mark Vith View A Condolence - Irving, Texas | Browns Memorial Funeral Home
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Mark Harold

June 3, 1968 – January 6, 2018

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Mark Vith

Chelsey Hoffman

I am deeply saddened to hear of Mr. Vith’s passing and I offer my sincere condolences. I know you will sorely miss such a wonderful presence in your family. I find great comfort in the hope for the future present in the bible: “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.””(Revelation 21:4) This scripture references future conditions on Earth, in which there will be no more suffering or death. There is also a hope found in John 5:28,29, "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice [the voice of Jesus] and come out." The resurrection that this Bible verse talks about will give us the opportunity to see our lost loved ones again on Earth. I know it will be a joyous time when you can reunite with Mr. Vith! I invite you to visit JW.ORG for more information on this comforting hope.
Sunday January 14, 2018 at 7:33 am
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