Dr. Benjamin Thomas View Condolences - Irving, Texas | Browns Memorial Funeral Home
Dr. Benjamin Thomas
In Memory of
Dr. Benjamin Watkins
1926 - 2016
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Browns Memorial Funeral Home
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Memorial Candle Tribute From
Rena Cottrell Stevens
"With deepest sympathy!"
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Condolence From: Sandy Stepan Taylor
Condolence: Dr. Thomas was my dentist throughout childhood and into adulthood. It was a visit I usually dreaded but he had a way of helping you stay calm and get through it. I saw him at PJ's within the past year. He was happy I still had all of my own teeth as he flashed me his own proud smile. Deepest sympathy to his family and many friends.
Saturday August 13, 2016
Condolence From: Debbie Looper Cuiksa
Condolence: Dr. Ben was the best at calming my nerves in the dental chair. I haven't seen him since about 1970. I tell everyone including other Dentist of how he made a difference in my life. To this day I believe Dr. Ben's advice. It was a blessing to have known him. My deepest sympathy to you all.
Thursday August 11, 2016
Condolence From: Patti Parrish Cobb
Condolence: Thoughts and prayers go out to the family and all that had the pleasure of knowing him.
Thursday August 11, 2016
Condolence From: Terry Stewart
Condolence: I enjoyed knowing Ben for many years. His intelligence and wit was always a pleasure to share. His life experiences and philosophies allowed me to know of his background and of many of his travels.
Wednesday August 10, 2016
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